
英国公民或英籍华人在中国登记结婚、房产交易等情况下,中国相关政府部门会要求提供英国单身证明。如果您的情况为离婚或者丧偶,可能还同时需要将您的离婚证书或者配偶死亡证明进行海牙认证。但如何办理英国单身证明呢?在英国没有政府机构可以帮您出具单身证明,需要由申请人本人起草一份单身声明书(Affidavit of Single Status),并办理海牙认证。



Affidavit of Single Status

单 身 声 明 书

I (本人), English Name(英文名)_____________,Chinese Name(中文名)______________
Passport Number is (护照号码) ______, Gender(性别): _____, Citizenship of (国籍) _____
Born on(生日) DD____MM_____YY_____ at (出生地)_______________________________
Currently Residing at (居住地): ___________________________________________________
Working at (工作单位)_____________ located at(位于) _______City(市) ____ State (州)

Being duly sworn in, hereby solemnly declare that (特此声明,)

[  ] I am currently single, have never been married, and have no direct affinity, and have no collateral affinity within three generation with the following Chinese citizen: (我目前单身,从未结婚,与以下结婚对象无直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲关系)

Full Name(名字): ________________________ Gender(性别): ___________________
Date of Birth(出生日期): __________________ Place of Birth(出生地): ______________
Passport Number(护照号码) ________________
Permanent Address (长期居住地)________________________

[  ] I was divorced on _________________ and have never been remarried since that date, and have no direct affinity, and have no collateral affinity within three generation with the following Chinese citizen: (我与____年____月____日离婚之后,再未结婚,与以下结婚对象无直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲关系)

Full Name(名字): ________________________ Gender(性别): ___________________
Date of Birth(出生日期): __________________ Place of Birth(出生地): ______________
Passport Number(护照号码) ________________
Permanent Address (长期居住地)________________________

[  ] I was widowed on _________________ and have never been remarried since that date, and have no direct affinity, and have no collateral affinity within three generation with the following Chinese citizen: (我与____年____月____日丧夫后,再未结婚,与以下结婚对象无直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲关系)

Full Name(名字): ________________________ Gender(性别): ___________________
Date of Birth(出生日期): __________________ Place of Birth(出生地): ______________
Passport Number(护照号码) ________________
Permanent Address (长期居住地)________________________

I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United Kingdom, that the foregoing is true and correct. I am the person named above, and I assume full responsibility for the declaration. (我保证以上内容属实,如有不实之处,本人愿承担由此所引起的一切法律责任)

Signature of Affiant(签名): _______________ Date(日期): ____________

Full Name in Print (名字): ________________Date(日期): ____________







